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The future of elective surgeries in the ‘new normal’

Dr. Sampath Chandra Prasad Rao

Updated: Jun 5, 2020

Join this interactive webinar with DR. RAVI SAMY, DR. JAMES NAPLES, and DR. SCOTT SHAPIRO from UC along with DR. SAMPATH CHANDRA PRASAD RAO from MANIPAL HOSPITAL, BANGALORE and PROF. PER CAYE THOMASEN, from ORL-HNS UNIVERSITY CLINIC, COPENHAGEN as they discuss their thoughts on the future of surgery after the pandemic.

Date Time: May 1, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

The panel will discuss topics such as decision-making, the state of elective surgery, telemedicine, and many others. This webinar is the third installation of a series on surgery in the COVID 19 era, brought to you by CSurgeries. To access the previous recordings please go to:

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